Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions - Version 1.2; Date of publishing: May 2024;

1. Background

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all customers of GOBET, Entretenimento, SA (hereinafter referred to as ”bwin”) who register on its platform through the internet address http://www.bwin.pt or any mobile phone app, whatever the device of access (computer, tablet or mobile phone).

If, according to the access device, the viewing of these Terms and Conditions is not adequate, you can contact bwin, requesting their sending by e-mail and / or post.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions you declare that you have read, understood, fully agree with their content and that you acknowledge and accept that you are entering into a contract with bwin.

By selecting "Yes, I fully accept these Terms and Conditions", as part of the registration process, you are submitting and accepting the specific Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policies, Cookies, Bonuses, Terms and Conditions and others rules and policies regarding their participation.

All the rules described in this document are generically referred to as "Rules", which may be updated regularly and which will be applicable from the time of their publication, with the exception of events in progress or bets already placed.

That is why, at all times, you are bound by the Rules whenever you use bwin services.

If you do not agree with or accept these Terms and Conditions, you should not register, you must stop using bwin software and, if applicable, uninstall the software from your device.

All Rules and Terms and Conditions are available for consultation on the bwin website, at http://www.bwin.pt, and it is your sole responsibility to keep abreast of and updated on any future changes, which, in the However, they will not apply to events already in progress or to bets already placed.

bwin will only accept customers geographically located in Portuguese national territory.

Any attempt to circumvent the restriction described above through the use of VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), proxy servers or any other similar method used to manipulate the user's real location, including the provision of false information constitutes a clear violation of these Terms and Conditions and could be considered and constitute a crime.

The Terms and Conditions described here take precedence over any type of communication that can be carried out via email, chat or telephone or any other means of contact.

Any breach of these Terms and Conditions by the customer reserves to bwin the right to unilaterally terminate any existing bond that has been previously established in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

2. About bwin

The bwin.pt website is managed by Gobet Entretenimento, SA

3. Regulatory Entity

The control, regulation and inspection of the activity of online gambling and betting is the responsibility of the Game Regulation and Inspection Service (SRIJ), which is organically integrated in the Portuguese Tourism Institute, IP

For more information see http://www.srij.turismodeportugal.pt/

4. Licensing

Under the terms of the Regulations in force, only licenses issued by the Gaming Commission of the Instituto do Turismo de Portugal, IP are valid in Portugal. In these terms, Gobet Entretenimento, SA is licensed, for the exploitation of sports bets at the online quota in Portugal under the following license number: 002 - Sports bets at the quota, in which the player plays against the entity and for the exploitation of games of fortune or chance under license number 006.

5. Register at bwin.pt

5.1 Scope

It is only possible to place real money bets on bwin.pt to those who have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

Registration / participation in bwin.pt is only allowed to customers / players aged 18 or over, legally capable of entering into contracts and acting only in their name and on their own account.

Any activity or participation by customers / players under the age of 18 is considered illegal and will not be tolerated by bwin.

Online gambling and betting is prohibited, directly or by an intermediary:

  1. To the holders of the sovereign bodies and to the Representatives of the Republic for the Autonomous Regions;
  2. To the members of the Governing Bodies of the Autonomous Regions;
  3. Prosecutors, police authorities, security forces and their agents;
  4. Minors and those declared incapable under civil law;
  5. Those who, voluntarily or judicially, are prevented from gambling;
  6. To the members of the governing bodies of the operating entities in relation to the website of the same entity;
  7. To the workers of the operating entities, in relation to the website of the same entity;
  8. Anyone who has or may have access to the computer systems for online gambling and betting on a given website;
  9. Any person, such as sports officials, sports coaches, coaches, sportspeople, professionals and amateurs, judges, referees, sportsmen and those responsible for the organizers of competitions and sports events and competitions and horse races subject to bet, when, directly or indirectly, they have or may have any intervention in the result of the events;
  10. To the employees of the control, inspection and regulation entity who exercise such powers, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 47.

Registration is not allowed to customers / players located outside the Portuguese territory.

Any attempts by customers / players to register or participate in bwin.pt from geographic locations outside Portugal will be rejected by bwin, unless it is a user previously registered with bwin.pt and the jurisdiction of the access site does not prohibit the user from accessing the .pt domain.

Customers / players who violate any of the aforementioned terms will be prevented from registering or participating in bwin.pt and may be committing fraud and are subject to criminal proceedings.

All registration processes are registered and maintained by us.

5.2 Personal data and identity verification

To be allowed to register and participate in bwin.pt, you must provide your personal data in the registration form, which are mandatory *, except for the mobile phone number and identifying elements of the payment account, and without which registration cannot become effective. The following personal data will be requested:

  • Full name*
  • Birth date*
  • Nationality*
  • Profession*
  • Residence Address *
  • Postal Code*
  • Country of Residence*
  • Number of the civil identification document (Citizen Card / ID or Passport) *
  • Tax identification number (TIN) *
  • Email*
  • Mobile number
  • Identifying elements of the ownership of the bank account

As long as your identity has not been verified, bwin reserves the right that your registration does not become effective, being prevented from participating in bwin.pt until the process of verifying the conformity of your identity is completed.

The user has the exclusive responsibility to provide the personal data and true bank information, keeping them permanently updated.

According to the terms of the law, identity verification is carried out upon registration and only after the identity has been validated, it becomes effective and is carried out by one of the following by one of the following means:

  1. By consulting the public entity databases, carried out, in real time, through connection to the control, inspection and regulation entity;
  2. When it is not possible to verify the identity of the players under the terms of the previous number, the verification is carried out by either using third parties or by means of a copy document proving the respective identity, with photograph and date of birth, namely, citizen card in the case of national citizen, or passport , in the case of a foreign citizen.

The conditions applicable to the process of processing personal data in the scope of user registration can be consulted here

5.3 Risk and non-repudiation of acts performed

You agree that by participating in bwin.pt you are doing so by choice, assuming the risk inherent in your participation, which is intended for personal entertainment and non-professional use, therefore acting with full awareness of your actions.

All bets placed by the user are recorded in real time. bwin has no control or influence over them.

Placing bets, whenever made and accepted, is irreversible. Placing bets is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the player account holder. A bet placed and after its validation cannot be cancelled by either party, except that the possibility of cancelling the bet remains when the bet is accepted later than the predicted event, as an expression of the regulatory consequence of paragraph b) of the rule 18 of Regulation No. 903-A / 2015, or whenever the competition or event is cancelled or postponed for more than 24 hours in relation to the time scheduled for its beginning.
Void bets are refunded to the player's account.

In accordance with the legislation in force (paragraphs 26 and 27 of Regulation 903-A / 2015 of 23 December) the declared official results are definitive for the resolution of bets that will not be affected by any alteration resulting from the challenge, disciplinary, administrative decision or judicial.

6. Player Account

The user is obliged to keep his access data to the player account, (username and password) confidential. If the user finds at any time that the confidentiality of his data has been compromised, he must inform bwin immediately.

bwin has no responsibility for transactions made with the user's account, whether or not they are recognized by the user.

bwin considers the user's session to be valid from the moment the user is logged in with the correct username and password. From that moment on, Bwin cannot be held responsible for the unauthorized use or improper use of personal data accessible by the person logged in during the session.

Failure to meet any of the aforementioned identification requirements reserves the right for bwin to suspend the user's account and cancel any type of pending transaction.

Only one user account per player associated with your registration will be issued and bwin does not allow the creation of duplicate accounts. Any such attempt will be repudiated by Bwin and any user accounts involved will be suspended.

Any attempt to create user accounts, through the introduction of manipulated personal data or any other method, may lead to the cancellation or deactivation of the targeted user's account. bwin therefore reserves the right to revoke all earnings obtained by the user using duplicate accounts. Any amount of the available balance will be refunded, with the exception of the amounts deposited and spent by the user on bets.

Your Player Account Balance is unique and consists of the sum total of the amount that your player account displays in the “Withdrawable Balance” tab and the “Restricted Balance” tab.

When depositing in your player account, the deposit amount will always be credited to the “Withdrawable Balance” account.

Any registered bets (sports betting and casino) and if the customer has no value in the " Restricted Balance" account, will be made through the " Withdrawable Balance" account.

Restricted balances cannot be withdrawn, but both can be used to place bets.

Conditions to receive bonuses / Activate

By registering at bwin.pt you are accepting the general and bonus terms and conditions, namely, you accept the receipt of bonuses in your player account as well as information regarding promotional offers and you are able to use them when you fulfil the conditions and assumptions for its assignment and do not express the will to cancel.

How to cancel the bonus:

In case you want to cancel the bonus available or stop receiving information about the bonuses, the player will have at his disposal, the mail suporte@bwin.ptor complaints@bwin.pt where he can expressly express his desire not to receive bonuses or promotional actions.

The bonuses provided by bwin have their terms and conditions of use inherent that you must read before placing bets. When placing bets with a restricted balance you are accepting the terms and conditions of using the bonus and activating it.
The terms and conditions for using the bonus are available in your player account where you can see the terms and conditions and / or restrictions associated with their allocation and use. If you do not intend to activate your bonus, you can cancel it before placing bets by asking customer support to cancel it via email support@bwin.pt or through the support chat available between 09:00 and 00:00. If you wish to cancel the activation of the bonus, your order will be fulfilled immediately.

All winnings can be cancelled and all deposits refunded (except for previously cancelled winnings) if the player's account in question is illegitimate as described above.

If any activity on the player's account is observed that may be considered fraudulent and that does not comply with the activities contemplated in these Terms and Conditions, or in the event of the occurrence of, or patterns of play, or systematic repetitions, that may demonstrate the practice of irregular or illegitimate behaviour, bwin reserves the right to investigate these same activities, transmitting to the competent authorities the results of the steps carried out by it, with whom it will collaborate and whose guidelines it will obey.

Under the terms of the Regulations in force, the deactivated or cancelled accounts imply that bwin proceeds to return the funds from the player's account to the respective payment account.

In case of suspension of the player's account due to self-exclusion or activation of the pause period, the user will be able to withdraw funds from his player account.

6.1 Specific Rules

Specific rule # 1

If any activity on the player's account is observed which, due to analysis may be considered fraudulent and which does not comply with these terms and conditions as well as with the applicable legislation, bwin will take the necessary precautionary measures to end the irregularity, namely , the suspension of the player's account and, in case of a verified need, the inherent captivation of the player's account balance.

The following situations may be embodied, among others, as irregular situations:

  1. In case of non-satisfaction of the verification requirements of the identification elements of the Payment Account holder through proof of the payment account ownership to be made available by the player, bwin will adopt the precautionary measures necessary to regularize the situation, namely, the suspension of the payment account. player and the inherent captivation of the account balance until the availability of valid proof that allows Bwin to process the account balance.
  2. If irregular activity is observed related to the availability of proof of ownership of the payment account, bwin will transmit to the competent authorities the results of the diligences carried out by him.

Specific rule # 2

Any attempt to create player accounts by entering manipulated personal data or any other method will lead to immediate refusal to register and create a player account.

Specific rule # 3

Since only one player account can be registered and each player can only hold one single account, the detection of the existence of a player account created using third party data will apply the precautionary measure of account suspension of player.

Specific rule # 4

Any attempt to use a player account by a third party other than its owner will be repudiated by bwin, which will take precautionary measures to immediately suspend the player’s registration with the inherent captivation of the account balance and consequent reporting of the situation to the competent authorities.

Specific rule # 5

In the event of supervening verification of a ban on gambling, bwin will immediately suspend the player account.

Specific rule # 6

A. The account used to credit the player's account must be self-titled.

B. The player's account will be suspended and, as a precautionary measure, the inherent captivation of the balance whenever the player, after being repeatedly contacted about the origin of the funds, under the law in force on Prevention and money laundering, does not cooperate in the diligence.

7. Player identification data

bwin may require any user to submit the documentation provided for under the law, in order to validate their identity. As long as the validation criteria are not met, the user may be prevented from participating in bwin.pt.

Users who use credit and / or debit cards may be required to present a copy of their identification document (Citizen Card / ID or Passport), proof of address or any other document that bwin considers relevant for this purpose.

The customer is solely responsible for submitting legitimate documentation.

7.1 Player Rights and Obligations

Under the terms provided for in the legislation in force, the customer, by accepting these terms and conditions, declares and acknowledges the following rights and obligations:

7.1.1 Player Rights

  1. Receive the prizes due to them;
  2. Play freely and without any kind of coercion;
  3. Have, at any time, information on the amounts played or wagered and on the balance of the respective player account;
  4. Identify, in a safe way, with the operator;
  5. See guaranteed your privacy and the protection of the data made available to the operator for the purposes of your player registration;
  6. Know, at all times, the identification and contact details of the operator and, if you wish to submit a complaint, how to proceed;
  7. Have information on responsible gambling available on the website;
  8. Have clear, true, complete and up-to-date information on the rules of online gambling and betting, on the payment instruments allowed, on the minimum and maximum bet amounts and on the rules for calculating and paying prizes;
  9. Have information on how to access your personal data;
  10. Have information about the prohibitions on gambling, namely those relating to minors, those declared incapable under law and those who, voluntarily or judicially, are prevented from gambling;
  11. Be informed of warnings against excessive online gambling and betting practices and the players' right to self-exclusion;
  12. Be informed of suspended or cancelled events that are made available on the gaming platform as active events for submitting bets. For this purpose, updated information will be made available to players who have placed a bet on such an event.

7.1.2 Player's obligations

  1. Identify yourself before the operator, according to the rules established in the Online Legal Regime (RJO);
  2. Indicate, at the time of registration on the website, a payment account of which you are the holder and to which all amounts transferred from the player account must be credited.
  3. Provide the operator with a copy of a document proving the ownership of the payment account referred to in the preceding paragraph, for the purposes of receiving player account balances;
  4. Comply with the law, as well as the regulations, instructions and guidelines of the control, inspection and regulation entity;
  5. Do not disturb the normal functioning of online gambling and betting.

8. Deposits/Withdrawals

The customer expressly declares and warrants that all funds deposited and used to participate in bwin.pt come from legitimate sources and that they are not part of any fraudulent activity, money laundering or activities considered illegal by law such as money laundering or financing of terrorism.

Pursuant to current legislation and regulations that may be issued at any time by the regulator on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, bwin reserves the right to take all necessary steps to ensure that they are properly complied with.

bwin therefore reserves the right to supervise any transfer of funds, whether deposits or withdrawals by any user and to report any customer information to regulatory or criminal authorities and / or payment service providers.

bwin, as an operator, will not grant to the user, at any time, any type of loan or mechanism that allows loans or funds to be transferred between players.

After confirming the deposit, the customer will be able to use the funds deposited for betting.

Deposits will be credited to the player's account once the bank transaction has been successfully validated.

Deposits and withdrawals will be made exclusively in euros (€).

The minimum deposit amount is 10 €, if the payment method is Multibanco or Credit Card.

It is the customer's full responsibility to verify that his bank imposes any types of fees on transfers made.

The customer declares that he is the holder of the payment account indicated to bwin and that the means of payment used are associated with that same account, or if this is not possible by associating him (them) with an account that he holds.

Withdrawals should, whenever the method used permits, be made by the same method used for deposit. If the deposit method does not allow withdrawals, they must be made via bank transfer to the account indicated by the user at the time of registration or to the payment account indicated and titled and chosen for the purpose. As we operate a ‘Closed Loop System’ for withdrawals to protect both us and our customers from card theft and fraud, occasionally your withdrawal may be split across multiple payment methods when system security rules require funds to be returned to the payment method(s) used to deposit. We reserve the right to process withdrawals back to the payment method(s) used to make your deposit, up to the total amount deposited, before other withdrawal options are enabled. The applicable payment method(s) is/are selected at our sole discretion, and may include but is not limited to credit/debit cards

Your Player Account Balance is unique and consists of the sum total of the amount that your player account displays in the “Withdrawable Balance” tab and the “Restricted Balance” tab.

The existence of two types of bets (casino and sports betting) does not change the behaviour of your player account when making a withdrawal request.

Consequently, bonuses are not "withdrawable". Bonus values must always be wagered, they can never be withdrawn, according to the legislation in force, be it casino and / or sports. When making a withdrawal request from your player account, being a single player account, it may result in the loss or cancellation of bonuses that you may have active in the "Bonus Balance" account.

In compliance with the legal requirements in force (Decree Law no. 66/2015, of 29 April, Regulation no. 903-B / 2015 , of 15 December and Law no. 83/2017, of 18 August), its identity must be verified by bwin. For this purpose, at the time of the first deposit or immediately after it, you must log in, select "Personal Area > Identity Verification" and upload the following documents:

  • Proof of ownership of the bank account, issued less than 3 months ago

As proof of ownership of a bank account, any official declarations issued by the banks are accepted over the counter, whether by means of home banking, as long as there is an indication of IBAN AND name of the account holder, including bank books. With regard to proofs obtained via ATM machines, we will only accept those with the IBAN and name as mentioned. We will not accept captures or screen photographs.

Any document sent must be:

  • Clear and readable
  • Colour

Identification documents containing erasures will not be accepted.

Whenever you want to change the details of your payment account, you must provide a copy of a document that proves its ownership, under penalty of not being able to accept these changes and, consequently, your withdrawal request will not be processed for the account by indicated.

Your Player Account should not be used or considered to be a bank account. Deposits or withdrawals without gambling activity, or activity using reduced proportions of the initial deposits, bwin reserves the right to request explanations before transferring the withdrawal request in question.

Your withdrawal request will be cancelled within 72 hours from the date of your request, if you do not provide bwin with the necessary information to verify your identity.

9. Bonus Policy

bwin has a Bonus policy. You can consult the Bonus Policy here.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting the bwin Bonus Policy.

10. Cookies Policy

bwin has a Cookies policy. You can consult the Cookies policy here.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting bwin's Cookies policy.

11. Privacy Policy

User data is considered confidential and kept securely in accordance with the bwin Privacy Policy which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.

Under the terms of the regulation, the customer is subject to compliance with the principles and rules applicable to the protection of personal data, as well as to the control and inspection of the National Data Protection Commission, as the supervisory authority in this matter.

People who, when collaborating with bwin in the exercise of their functions, are aware of the personal data provided by the client are bound by professional secrecy, even after the end of their duties.

The contacts and the ways to exercise the rights of the holders in matters of privacy and protection of personal data can be consulted here.

You can consult bwin.pt's Privacy Policy here.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting bwin's Privacy Policy.

12. Responsible Gaming Policy

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting bwin's Responsible Gaming Policy. The Responsible Gaming Plan can be consulted here at any time.

12.1 Specific Rule

In view of the responsible gambling policy in force and considering the associated mechanisms for its prevention and application, bwin reserves the right, on its own initiative, to proceed, as a precautionary measure, to suspend the player account when, for obvious reasons made available there are sufficient indications to conclude that the player has addiction or problems associated with the practice of the game.

This measure will be taken by bwin after all clarifications and advice regarding the responsible game have been given, including referral of the player to entities specialized in addictive behaviours and will be communicated to SRIJ within 24 hours, with the indication of the respective grounds.

13. Player Protection

Player protection is a topic that Bwin takes with the utmost seriousness. It is very relevant for bwin that only users who participate in bwin.pt participate in their entertainment as their sole objective, based exclusively on the playful character that the game must assume.

To this end, bwin considers it relevant to alert users to their own protection, in their own interest.

As such, bwin suggests:

  • Ensure parental control and constant supervision of the equipment used to participate in bwin.pt.
  • Use content filters in order to prevent access for children under 18 years of age.
  • Never leave the device used to access bwin.pt unlocked and with access to the player account within the reach of children or third parties.
  • Always protect the player account with a password and ensure that that password is changed regularly;
  • Never allow minors under 18 to participate in bwin.pt and report any suspicious activity.
  • Keep your player account access data secure.
  • Use the payment methods available on the bwin.pt website:
    1. ATM
    2. Credit / debit cards
    3. Bank transfer
  • Depending on the payment method used, fees or charges may apply.
  • Regularly consult your player account where you can obtain information about your balance, your deposit and withdrawal operations, as well as the history of transactions that have taken place in your account.
  • Keep credit / debit cards and any bank information out of the reach of children or third parties.
  • Do not store access data for the player account on the devices used to participate in bwin.pt.
  • Limiting the access of minors to the devices used to participate in bwin.pt (You can make use of specific software for this purpose).
  • Ensure that the decision to participate in bwin.pt is yours alone and that it is made freely, voluntarily and consciously.

You shall not use the services available via in bwin.pt if:

  • you use shared access devices to visit bwin.pt regularly and do not control access to them.
  • Has a known gambling addiction and / or is under treatment.
  • You are under the influence of any type of narcotic or alcohol.
  • You are trying to recover money that you may have lost in any other activity or in the game.
  • Its main objective is to recover losses with immediate gains.
  • You have the means and amounts necessary to satisfy professional, personal or family commitments.

If you have doubts or if for any reason you feel that you are not in a position to participate in bwin.pt, you can contact the following entity:

SICAD: Intervention Service in Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies

Address: Avenida da República no. 61 - from the 1st to the 3rd and from the 7th to the 9th floor.

Postal Code: 1050-189 Lisbon

Phone: 210 122 750

Fax: +351 211 112 795

Email: sicad@sicad.min-saude.pt

14. Customer Support

bwin has a customer support service available 24/7. This service is intended to support the customer at any time in order to clarify any existing doubts related to participation in bwin.pt.

E-mail: suporte@bwin.pt

bwin has a customer complaints service. As Bwin's focus is on customer satisfaction, Bwin will do everything in its power to resolve the problems reported by the customer in the shortest possible time.

Make sure to raise your complaint to bwin as soon as is reasonably practicable by contacting Customer Support (suporte@bwin.pt) in the first instance.

If you are dissatisfied with the resolution provided by Customer Support to your complaint within the process above you may submit your complaint in writing to reclamacoes@bwin.pt

15. Legal Framework

In addition to the sports betting odds, bwin offers in its offer Games of chance online, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 (1). c) of Decree Law No. 66/2015, of 29 April.

In this context, the authorized games are as follows:

  • Blackjack / 21;
  • Baccarat Ponto e Banca;
  • Sets of machines made up of three or more rotating rollers, with symbols or other graphic representations, which are progressively immobilized under the game line or lines, in order to form symbol combinations;
  • American roulette.
  • French Roulette

In order to clarify the understanding of the terms used in this document, the term "bet" should be understood not as "sports bet" but in a broader sense meaning sports betting but also betting on games of chance.

The Terms and Conditions described here are in accordance with the legal terms contained in Decree-Law no. 66/2015 of 29 April - Legal Regime for Games and Online Betting as well as in the regulations: Regulation no. 836/2015 of 4 December, Regulation nº 903-A / 2015 of December 23, Regulation 903-B / 2015 of December 23, Regulation 828/2015 , of December 2, Regulation nº 804/2015, of November 26, Regulation nº 805/2015, of November 26, Regulation No. 812/2015, of November 26th and Regulation No. 807/2015, of November 26th.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you declare that you guarantee compliance with all laws, statutes and regulations applicable to the use of the bwin software and services, which you have read and understood.

bwin is not responsible for the illegal and unauthorized use of the software and services by the user.

The user agrees and undertakes to collaborate with bwin as far as possible, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

Any violation of these rules gives bwin the right to take the measures it deems appropriate to check the conformity of the players' performance, as well as its communication to the competent entities and the Games Regulation and Inspection Service.

Version 1.2 Date of publishing: May 2024